half flooding, half dry spots
- floating gardens
- locally sourced energy and goods
- Neoluddist ideals
- Less technology, back to basics
- Local communities, based around gardens
- Air lifters (from water/ wind energy - carbon neutral)

- Lifters: safety on the sides, rolling wheels powered by nature, the cabin, transparent bottom, materials sourced from old cars
- Monthly coupons to travel: recycling, planting trees

Examples of floating gardens and houses
cabins ( some of them with transparent bottom ) made out of old cars details and recycled iron. there are shelves and not only seats but places for wheelchairs and buggies
floating gardens
why a good solution:
*they improve the water quality of wetlands and waters
* source of food
* sustainable and often biodegradable
first sketch
final sketch
of the lift cabin made of recycled iron
benefits of a green roof
* temperature regulation
* air quality
* absorbing rainwater
* more biodiversity
containerbuildings with green roofs and solar panels
landscaping Rotterdam 2050 with different islands connected with the lift cabins.
3D sketch
of the lift cabin